Saturday, June 5, 2010

Gone with the bird shit

A mad fool sits under a tree and is talking to the moon.
"You see, people make plans to fool themselves: They know what they want to do, but they don't do it now; They know what they are going to do will not make them eventually happy, but still they want to do it; They are lonely, but they pretend that they are the big swinging dicks that don't get into the sentimental things; They don't get any talent but want people to worship them; They are into all sorts of vanity fairs - les hotels particuliers, maitraisses et amants, champagne et tout et tout... " And the fool has difficulties to continue.
The moon emitted some extremely bright light - not sure in agreement or disagreement. The birds woke up in the trees and dumped some shit on the fool's head.
The fool found inspiration. "Et tout ca, will be gone with the bird shit".

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