Sunday, December 9, 2012










Pilgrimage (Part 1)

When I was approaching my thirties, I decided that something big, bad and remarkable had to happen.
The bottom line is, youth was too vigorous, abundant and uncontrollable for an inexperienced fool like me. I was always slow, ignorant and naïve. When other girls already figured out what life is about and sharpened their knives for all the victims, I was still happily laying under life’s guillotine.
On top of that, I worked day and night to enroll myself into one of the fancy MBA programs, to be precise, in one of the Grande Ecoles created by the defeatable but still glorious Napoleon, only to find myself surrounded by equally arrogant cretins wishing to upgrade their lives in the fastest way. Have you ever seen a hundred gamblers holding the same ticket claiming they won the same lotto number?
Worst, I have been sleeping with a man with above average sexual and social behavior scores. One night the man called me up, said that he was married and was expecting a baby, hung up the phone and was heard no more. I felt I was a religiously vulnerable martyr of hit and run, not to say the thousands of francs I spent to call him from my French scholarship! But after all, sentimental education is essential in the French system. It is money worth spending than many of the government sponsored programs.
So what can I do before I reach my 30s? A speedy marriage? Self mutilation? A murder or a suicide? I chose the pilgrimage from Paris to Chartres.
The advocates of the pilgrimage were some Colombians and a few officers from the military school Saint Syr in my class. One of the officers was an air force pilot, who was supposed to aim targets from ten thousand meters in the sky and fire precisely. In one of the speed reading classes, he was to find out a few words from a page but he never managed to do it. Another one was always selling fois gras from his father’s little village in Auvergne during class breaks, a business model he found much useful than the case studies taught. The third one was from the Navy, and brought me to his little flat that he shared with a comrade in Rue de Commerce. I saw a lovely and super clean apartment with a big bed covered in snow white sheet. An impeccably white cap with its golden cord sits in the middle of the bed. The French Navy indeed has great traditions.


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Jan Dara

Sensually shot, confusingly beautiful and ultimately buddhist in the very Thai way.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Obituary for Weiwei

I can only tell you 3 things:
- That at point A she was born
- That at point B she was dead
- Anything in between the two points are indefinite possibilities
She made fortune telling a very hard job.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Lunch time concert at the Asian Civilization Museum

Around me are paintings of 松年法师. 七律二首


Some smart short songs by young men and women from Yong Siew Toh Conservatory. I applauded more for their courage to sing than for the talent that they have.

The Scholar and his cat (Samuel Barber)
Pangur, white Pangur,
How happy we are
Alone together, Scholar and cat.
Each has his own work to do daily
For you it is hunting, for me, study
Your shining eye watches the wall
My Feeble eye is fixed on a book
You rejoice when your claws entrap a mouse
I rejoince when my mind fathoms a problem
Pleased with his own art
Neither hinders the other
Thus we live ever
Without tedium and envy
Pangur, white Pangur
How happy we are
Alone together, Scholar and Cat

The Vagabond
Give to me the life I love
Let the lave go by me
Give the jolly heaven above
And the byway nigh me
Bed in the bush with stars to see
Bread I dip in the river
There's the life for a man like me
There's the life for ever

Wednesday, October 31, 2012









归园田居 -  陶渊明


少无适俗韵,性本爱丘山。   误落尘网中,一去三十年。   羁鸟恋旧林,池鱼思故渊。   开荒南野际,守拙归园田。   方宅十余亩,草屋八九间。   榆柳荫后檐,桃李罗堂前。   暧暧(ài)远人村,依依墟里烟。   狗吠深巷中,鸡鸣桑树颠。   户庭无尘杂,虚室有余闲。   久在樊笼里,复得返自然。


  野外罕人事,穷巷寡轮鞅。   白日掩荆扉,对酒绝尘想。   时复虚里人,披草共来往。   相见无杂言,但道桑麻长。   桑麻日以长,我土日已广。   常恐霜霰(xiàn)至,零落同草莽。



种豆南山下,草盛豆苗稀。   晨兴理荒秽,带月荷(hè)锄归。   道狭草木长,夕露沾我衣。   衣沾不足惜,但使愿无违。


  久去山泽游,浪莽林野娱。   试携子侄辈,披榛步荒墟。   徘徊丘陇间,依依昔人居。   井灶有遗处,桑竹残朽株。    借问采薪者,此人皆焉如。   薪者向我言,死没无复余。   一世弃朝市,此语真不虚。   人生似幻化,终当归空无。


  怅恨独策还,崎岖历榛曲。   山涧清且浅,遇以濯吾足。   漉我新熟酒,双鸡招近局。   日入室中暗,荆薪代明烛。   欢来苦夕短,已复至天旭。

归去来兮 - 东晋陶渊明

归去来兮,田园将芜胡不归?既自以心为形役,奚惆怅而独悲?悟已往之不谏,知来者之可追。实迷途其未远,觉今是而昨非。舟遥遥以轻飏,风飘飘而吹衣。问征夫以前路,恨晨光之熹微。   乃瞻衡宇,载欣载奔。僮仆欢迎,稚子候门。三径就荒,松菊犹存。携幼入室,有酒盈樽。引壶觞以自酌,眄庭柯以怡颜。倚南窗以寄傲,审容膝之易安。园日涉以成趣,门虽设而常关。策扶老以流憩,时矫首而遐观。云无 抚孤松而盘桓

心以出岫,鸟倦飞而知还。景翳翳以将入,抚孤松而盘桓。   归去来兮,请息交以绝游。世与我而相违,复驾言兮焉求?悦亲戚之情话,乐琴书以消忧。农人告余以春及,将有事于西畴。或命巾车,或棹孤舟。既窈窕以寻壑,亦崎岖而经丘。木欣欣以向荣,泉涓涓而始流。善万物之得时,感吾生之行休。   已矣乎!寓形宇内复几时,曷不委心任去留,胡为乎遑遑欲何之?富贵非吾愿,帝乡不可期。怀良辰以孤往,或植杖而耘耔。登东皋以舒啸,临清流而赋诗。聊乘化以归尽,乐夫天命复奚疑!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The thunder and its blossom

At the official dinner table, he then said: "How can I buy a ticket of Turandot for my spouse? Can I register without showing her name?". At the moment I knew that it was all over.
Later, I saw a strange tall tree with big pinkish white flowers. With the thunder and lightening, the flowers shoot up and release a smoke like gas - that's the pollen. The tree is making love in the storm. I name it the Thunder Flower. (dream)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Choices of the wise men

A small proportion of the world population are wise men (here "man" refers to humanity, it has no sex implication). They are wise because they know the truth thus they are "in the know". To be in the know has nothing to do with money, status, gender or nationality.

These wise men have three choices:
- Prophecy and sainthood. This needs a lot of efforts and they unavoidably will suffer from pain of having universal compassion and facing mankind's ignorance. They have the whole humanity on their back!

- Bon vivant who enjoy with detachment from enjoyment. These are happy actors and observers but know fundamentally it is a play. He gains experience and knowledge. He is the master of the human life and self

- Wanderer and monk. He who deliberately refuse to be part of anything and of any community. They have only one purpose which they think that is acheivable given their capacity, that is their own purification.

The rest of the world? They don't know their choice and become slaves of life and death.

On Business

Only businesses that meet three criteria can sustain as one or as a whole

- Purpose/Mind
Only those businesses which have a purpose that outlast cycles of universe can sustain: The love for humanity and the environment where humanity lives. Many public companies' "purpose" is to grow shareholder value. This is actually a result, not a purpose. So many companies are operating without a true purpose, that is why they can not last. Or in some family businesses, the owners want that the managers follow the family value - the value can only be followed when it goes beyond the family otherwise people couldn't care less.

- The organization/Body
From efficient manufacturing & logistics, from efficient use of capital to good balance, from smart strategy to deciplined execution. The organization can not function without human beings. And human beings can not function well without the understanding of the unified purpose. Any good purpose can not survive without or in a weak body. This is the problem with many charities.

- The type of business itself. Businesses that are closely linked to "love/to be loved" or "life" are sustainabe as a whole. That is why prostitution and medicine outlast all other businesses such as matches or computers which are fundamentally tools. The more the business is for pure function or for convenience, the faster it needs to be changed because environment, legislation and technology change.

Monday, October 15, 2012

On Reality

A plant has its reality. It's root has to go to earth to get nutrients and water, its stems and leaves absorb light and the efforts turn into energy. Then it lives and survives. Different plants have different realities. So are different species.

Humans also have their reality: That they have to have a physical body that goes thru birth, growth, sickness and death. Their perceived reality is what they see, smell, hear and taste or more abstractly fame, money, pride, etc. Overall, reality are things and feelings that they perceive when they are "awake". Their dreams do not count even though they have vivid experience and even though they can travel to places by just thinking of it, but when they wake up, they call it an illusion.

From above we already see that
1) Realities are different from specie to specie. Humans are one of the species living in a confined space (earth), so their reality can not be the reality of all species
2) Realities change even within the human race with time. Today's reality of being able to talk via video to someone in China while walking in street of Paris was an illusion, a dream or an idea a thousand years ago. With better comprehension of nature's law, we have turned many illustions into realities already. Yesterday's reality of the suspended gardens of Babylone only exists in legend and imagination. The physical reality has disappeared.
3) Realities change with space. The reality on earth is not the reality on Mars.

So is there a bigger, truer, wider, eternal universal reality that governs all things in existance? That's where science meets religion. The thought of it is mesmerizing!

My attitude: Keep an open mind. Admit that there are things exist that I don't know or humans don't know now. Keep exploring and enjoying the journey.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

永遇乐 The eternal encounter with pleasures

三十有九,青丝尤在,白发悄生。一晃人到中年, 总结人生最佳境界。


"The eternal encounter with pleasures" is not the title of my poem. It is the name of a style of poetry dating back to the 11th century in the Song dynasty. However, since the name of the style describes exactly what I want to say in my poem, I will leave it as the title.

Each ancient style of poetry  is a set model and one fills the rhythm with words. Originally this kind of poem is used for set tunes of songs - this explains why the length of each sentence is fixed. It may sounds restraint, but the liberty of playing with the words are unlimited, if one is good at words. 

Today, nobody writes poems in this style which makes it all interesting to write in this way. Translating a poem written in an ancient language is the most challenging, especially when Chinese is a language so flexible and versatile but I will give it a try.


Prelude: Thirty nine years escaped through my fingers. My dark silky hair is still shiny but the gray has sneaked in. Time to savor the ultimate pleasures in life.

Standing steadily, high on my own,
Choices? -extravaganza or simple, it is up to me

Tea in the morning, drinks at night,
When it's sunny, I cultivate the garden;
When it rains, I catch up with reading.
I like to keep myself busy, leisurely

Showing off calligraphy or writing poems,
The high society stuff, I master at ease.
Haggling for an egg or fighting for the bus
The low class exercises, I handle accordingly

Oh colorful affairs, romantic nonsense 
And love making that evokes thunders and light
I won't exchange these for a million gold

Fame and glory, or similar games 
Roll up the sleeves and play full heartedly
but I could  be the mother of  zen - if it suits me

Sutras of all doctrines and bibles of all times
Flow from the same stream 
I am God and let God be me

I am an etre absolu of no association,
And a devoted vagabond of the universe
that merges with the "I"

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The mind

I submit myself to the power and magic of the mind - the sane and clear voyance! The world belongs to idealists and ideologists, all others are victims, sacrifices, followers, slaves or madmen. If I can not think on my own or behold my free will, however tiny and insignificant it is, then I will fall into the categories of victims, sacrifices, followers and slaves while remain painfully conscious. I chose not to be the above and I will never be.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Pola Eros by Nobuyoshi Araki

Araki once said: I tell them that “I free their souls by tying up their bodies.”
Some times I feel that I am reading the book of universal truth when I comtemplate the beautiful small photograph of his on my desk.

We are bound to be born, to be old, to be sick and to be dead. This state of physical being is what our bodies go through. But we have our free will to chose to enjoy it. Chosen happiness and pleasure in unavoidable suffering, this is what life is about - and with this, we are free and enternal.

Nobuyoshi Araki

Friday, August 10, 2012

Before - Chapter One

I walked into the noodle shop where I have breakfast every morning. Something unusual  happened. The wife of the shop owner was not there! Usually, she would be sitting like a steamed red bean dumpling behind the cash machine, her eyes scrutinizing every customer, fearing that they would run away without payment. Her third eye behind the skull supervising her husband who works in the kitchen, fearing that he would flirt or run away with the pretty server from the country. But today, even the country girl is missing!

"What happened?" I asked. The boss made an angry and disappointing sign, serving my noodle himself.

"You are the only person who does not know this in Hangzhou! Wang Manliang died! Today is his funeral. His ordered his body to be cremated and the ash to be sent to Rongfa Farm to feed the chicken. The eggs of that farm have been pre-sold for the next 5 years."

Wan Manliang is the most famous person in Hangzhou. You don't see him on TV, read him in the papers or hear any official news about him. But his name is on every one's lips in each little restaurant, in secretive blogs, on both the police's surveillance and protection lists. This in itself is remarkable. Because people of Hangzhou are usually not easily impressed by anyone.

Hangzhou is a city that is blessed with everything and cursed because it has everything. It sits at the southern end of the Grand Canal through which the emperors shipped the most beautiful girls and the finest silk, rice, fish and tea to the North. Its picturesque mountains, lakes and gardens attract suicidal lovers and scholarly men.  A few hundred years ago, the Song Dynasty emperor, chased by the barbarians from the Mongolian plain, settled in Hangzhou. His desperate generals opened the dikes and dams holding back the waters of the Yellow River in order to decimate the oncoming Jurchen invaders. The emperor brought with him the harsh northern accent, useless officials, and hopeless romantics to this mild and soft city. The emperor thought in contempt of the person who had the stupid idea to dig a 1000 km canal to deal with the lengthy and costly logistics. He regretted that he only found this paradise on earth after losing half of the country. But isn't there an old saying "No pain, no gain"?

Appreciative of comfort, loving the decadence and proudly so are the people of Hangzhou. At best, the realization of the most ambitious dreams would bring you to Hangzhou. Why bother to become a bee when you are already in the honey hole? The people here spend their time touting tourists, eating refined food, drinking tea, gossiping and hating the Shanghainese because they are richer but frugal and refuse to be cheated.

The people of Hangzhou have seen very one that is famous: the most famous poet who happened to be its mayor; the most famous general got murdered by the most famous traitor; the most famous young revolutionaries died for the biggest truth or illusion; the most famous politicians and their mistresses (Mao had two villas built at the most exclusive spots around the lake); the most famous opera and movie stars; the most famous prostitute that has a higher-calling than each one of us; and even the most magical snake who falls in love with a man.  All of them left their traces with tombs, temples, villas, poems, caligraphy, songs, legends, slogans, rumors and confusions.  To say that there is information, culture and fame overkill is not overstated at all. People here are indifferent.

However, for some really wierd reasons, none of the famous people that left their names in Hangzhou was from Hangzhou. Sadly, Hangzhou, like a busy mid-wife, does not have her own proud son and daughter. This is the biggest concern of the major of Hangzhou! Unlike Shaoxing, though small and tucked away, people know Lu Xun who wrote those typical characters that symbolize that town. Take the beggar-hooligan character A-Q for example, all the places he went to in Lu Xun's novel have been developed into tourist spots, creating serious competition against Hangzhou. The convent where he tried to harass the young nuns was the most famous and they charge 50 RMB for the entrance fee; the restaurant where he begged became a national culinary chain and those boiled beans are sold in eye-catching packaging in every supermarket; the small crumbing temple where he slept became a place of worship where country women pray for having a son as their first born so that they don't pay a fine to give a second try; the big, beautifully carved bed of the county scholar's wife is the most sough after decorative furniture and culture symbol in high-end brothels in Shanghai.

It is high time for Hangzhou to have her own character.